Welcome to my world!

I've been writing for as long as I can remember, and since I've been able to eat off of the senior citizen's menu for quite a few years, that translates to a very long time.  I write under the pen names of Gena Webb and Kay Wyont.  Everyone should have several aliases, no?

Writing has always been my passion, but through the years it's taken second place to my other endeavors, like serving my country.  Trite, but true.  I retired from the Air Force after having served 23 years, four months, and 24 days.  (But, who's counting?)  About eight months after I retired, and having gotten totally bored being a bum, I went back to the Air Force and served in a civilian capacity for another 19+ years.  (Stop doing all that math!  I already told you I was old.)

If I've learned anything in my life, it's this:  God is in control, He has a plan, and that plan includes only what is best for us.  When I FINALLY got that firmly planted in my head, I found I could just let go and let God, and everything just works out okay.  I might not always agree with His methods, but when I look back on my life, it's pretty obvious He knew what He was doing at the time.  Although my books aren't "preachy" by any far stretch of the imagination, I do have a tendency to put that concept into my novels.  Everyone could occasionally use a gentle reminder to live by faith, don't you think?

I currently live in San Antonio, TX with my wonderful, supportive husband of over 25 years.  (And they said it wouldn't last!)  Our children are scattered throughout the country, although one of our daughters lives two houses away from us, which comes in handy when we want to travel.  She doesn't have to walk too far to feed our indoor kitty babies, and the 4,000 stray cats that have taken up residence in our yard.  That might be a slight exaggeration, but there are quite a few of them.  Jody is in the above picture with me, and was my favorite inside kitty.  Gone, but still loved and sorely missed! (Please don't tell our other babies I just said that.  There aren't many things worse than a vindictive cat.)

Thank you for visiting my website.  My one hope is that you find something on here that will speak to your heart.